
A playground for Mind Over Matter experiments using the microphone as a TRNG.

Project maintained by JoakimCh Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

Mind over matter experiments right in your browser!

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The theory behind this:

It has pretty much been proven that our minds can alter true random number generators (TRNGs). Hence they can be used as a kind of computer connected interface which a strong enough mind can interact with! Your own mind or the mind of a spirit, e.g. an extra dimensional being!

But what is a TRNG?

Basically they differ from the most used “pseudo random number generators” (PRNGs) which are just using clever math to simulate randomness (if you know the algorithm of a PRNG then you could generate the same numbers again, hence they’re not truly random).

A TRNG on the other hand is extracting randomness from real physical phenomena which has a randomness to them.

The TRNG used here:

The one I have developed to function inside your browser is extracting randomness from the noise in your microphone input.

And I have made it so it should be easy for a spirit to affect it without much friction (it doesn’t have to bend the physical rules TOO much). Which is an important detail if we want them to be able to use it!

Experiments (so far):


In this experiment a spirit / soul or even you are supposed to try to alter the random number generator in a way where the words spoken stops being random.

It’s like a super modern Ouija board where the spirit can speak using words. If a spirit is present you might be able to have a two-way conversation.

Words are a little biased towards common words (they have a higher chance of being selected), unless green in color (then no bias was applied).

Try it here!


This one is quite fun and easy!

Here you’re supposed to use mind over matter (also commonly called telekinesis or psychokinesis) to make it fly!

It will fly whenever more 0s or 1s are generated than what’s statistically random. It’s a great way to exercise your telekinetic abilities!

You’ll eventually see great progress if you do this often!

Try it here!

End notes:

I’m just getting started with this project! Eventually I will have lots of interesting projects and statistical analysis ++…

I will eventually create experiments for ESP as well! I might host them here or put them on a dedicated page (with a link here).